
Please complete the registration form and attach a copy of the bank transfer where indicated in the electronic form.

The fee includes registration, course material and social program but not accommodation, meals or travel. Registration will be considered effective only after payment of the registration fee.


    Last Name*


    Zip Code*



    Date of birth*

    Birth Place*

    Fiscal code (only for italian citizens)*

    Click and select the Course Dates*

    For Payment:

    AUMI Associazione Ultrasuoni in Malattie Infettive,
    Via Santa Franca 50 - Piacenza
    Bank: Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, Piazza Paolo
    Ferrari 10 - Milano
    IBAN: IT39 T030 6909 6061 0000 0012 356
    Swift Code: BCITITMM
    Ref: Short Course 2024

    Attach the receipt of the registration payment
    by clicking on the button*

    Select file (Only Pdf format):

    Cancellation policy

    The total amount (100 %) of the registration fee will be charged in case of cancellation. No charges apply for a suitable, qualified substitute participant. The organizers reserve the right to cancel the course up to two weeks before the start date, in case of low number of participants or for other significant reasons. A full refund of the course fee, minus 120,00 € for administration fees, will granted in the event of cancellation of the course, but the organizers cannot be held responsible for any other costs incurred (travel, transport, hotels etc.).

    The organizers shall not be liable for failure to hold the course due to circumstances beyond their control (force majeure), such as pandemics, epidemics, war, earthquakes, fires, floods, etc. in any such events, no refund will be paid.


    I agree with the above conditions and consent to the processing of my data as indicated in the Privacy Policy. *
